Day 9: Write about happiness

3 min readDec 7, 2020

Hmm.. I think this is going to be quite deep? If we talk about happiness, we often wish ourselves to be happy. We’d ask our friends “are you happy?” But what is happiness itself?

I think there’s no exact definition of happy. We create our own definition. I may not understand why would people collect a lot of things, sometimes unusual things. Figures, cards, etc. But they say it made them happy. So who am I to judge?

How about my own definition of happy? Currently, what’s coming to my mind is a state of peace. Well, there are a lot of thrilling moments that make me happy as well. But I think I am the happiest when my mind’s clear and my heart feels light. I already wrote things that makes me happy though in previous posts? For the day 2 challenge. So I’m not gonna repeat the list again here. But on that post, the lists are all in peaceful mood. In conclusion, I am the happiest when I’m at my peace. No running thoughts. No worries.

What I love about happiness is, it’s contagious. Well, so is anger and grumpy moods. But to me, it’s strange yet amazing, how we can be happy just by listening to other’s stories, just by seeing others’ happiness, that it makes us feel like we’re in their shoes. Sometimes I got more excited and happier when my friends told about their progresses (usually it’s about love progress lol). When I saw posts in social media of people expressing their gratitude, my heart feels warm. Heck, even just watching interviews of celebrities on Youtube and they looked happy, it made me grin ear to ear unknowingly. What a magic that happiness has.

There’s an influencer (?) I follow on Instagram who started an hashtag #payitforward. Meaning we do not wait for fortunes to approach us, instead we spend our fortune to whom it may concern and let the universe do its magic. In Islam, it’s called alms. Charity. It amazes me how far it can go. That eventhough we may not receive it in materialistic items, if we got health, happiness, prosperity, that is enough. Even from my lack of experience in giving charity, donating just a little always made me happy. So what is happiness after all?

(Reviewing this, I feel like I’m trying to be deep and philosophical — and failed miserably. Hahaha.)

Out of topic — quick keeping up!

It’s been a month since the last post, and two months since I started this challenge ahhahaha. I’m an expert in procrastinating. Well, it’s my first day of internship…and I kind of embarrass myself at the first induction meeting. But the team was a dream! I didn’t feel left out like I always feel when I’m meeting new people. My supervisor has a lovely smile, and the co-supervisor has a pleasantly calming voice that I can listen to all day. Last week has been a mess, I never cried so hard, not even while doing my undergraduate thesis. I just lost my four stray babies, and the project I’m working on was so stressful. I hope this week and the following weeks will take turn for the better. 잘자!

